As the famous saying goes, « in nature nothing is lost, everything is transformed », at FORMES & SCULPTURES, this is also true!
66 % of our waste is recycled: for the most part, the material is returned to their original form to create recycled products, some is recovered as renewable energy with always a share sent to landfill sites, although the current goal of the recycling players is to reduce this portion.
At FORMES & SCULPTURES, we have found another beautiful solution to recycle our waste. A month ago, members of Vivart came to « make our garbage » and left with unexpected treasures.
Throughout the weekend, at the #hallesblancsmanteaux in Paris, around twenty artists will transform this waste into works of art in front of the visitors’ eyes. The proceeds from the sale will go to the #AFSR non-profit association to support them in their fight against Rett Syndrome, the leading cause of genetic polyhandicap in girls.
The exhibition will continue throughout the following week in our gallery #atelierveron